Sunday, August 30, 2009

AVR Shark Tag Project

microcontroller project animal tag
The goal of this project was to develop a shark tag working bench-top microcontroller platform. It is to be used for on-animal, in-situ data logging applications involving sharks and potentially other large pelagic.

The project used the Atmel Mega32 microcontroller to develop the core platform and functionality of a data archival tag. The project use temperature and pressure as sensor variable. The tasks ranged from logging sensor data to developing a simple user interface that requires only the addition of a laptop and a custom RS232 serial cable in the field.

It used an off-the-shelf SD (Secure Digital) card using flash memory for large capacity multi-read/write data storage. The microcontroller’s ADCs (analog to digital converters) were used to convert analog voltages produced by select sensors into digital format.

Tag: Animal Tag, shark, data logging, avr project src

AVR Shark Tag Project

microcontroller project animal tag
The goal of this project was to develop a shark tag working bench-top microcontroller platform. It is to be used for on-animal, in-situ data logging applications involving sharks and potentially other large pelagic.

The project used the Atmel Mega32 microcontroller to develop the core platform and functionality of a data archival tag. The project use temperature and pressure as sensor variable. The tasks ranged from logging sensor data to developing a simple user interface that requires only the addition of a laptop and a custom RS232 serial cable in the field.

It used an off-the-shelf SD (Secure Digital) card using flash memory for large capacity multi-read/write data storage. The microcontroller’s ADCs (analog to digital converters) were used to convert analog voltages produced by select sensors into digital format.

Tag: Animal Tag, shark, data logging, avr project src

Saturday, August 29, 2009

USB AVR ISP downloader

usbasp_kit Dari judul nya pasti semua dah pada ngiler pengen nyoba nih project.. he3…,

YUpz,,, kita akan coba bikin USB downloader buat Atmel AVR microcontroller..

Firmware, Schematic n Driver project nih ak dapet dari temenku Achmad Fiqhi (meet him on FaceBook:

Dia dah nyoba alat ini, n lancar2 aja. Budget yang dia kluarin skitar 50 ribu, jauh lebih murah ketimbang beli USB Downloader yang harganya rata2 diatas 150rb. Makasih banget pokoknya buat temen yg satu ini dah mau bagi2 ilmunya.

Project ini berbasis ATmega48 tapi bisa juga pake’ ATmega8. Yang perlu diinget Firmware nya harus tepat. Di akhir atikel ini kita sudah sertain file2 yang berhubungan dengan project ini,

  • Rangkaian Schematic
  • Firmware
  • Driver
  • AVRdude

Rangkaian Schematic

    buka folder “circuit
    buka file USBasp.sch menggunakan software PCB maker seperti EAGLE
    dalam file sch ini terdapat contoh rangkaian yang menggunakan ATmega48.
    temen2 bisa mengganti ATmega48 ini dengan ATmega8


buka folder “../bin/firmware

disini terdapat file usbasp.atmega48.xxxx-xx-xx.hex (gunakan file ini jika menggunakan ATmega48)


usbasp.atmega8.xxxx-xx-xx.hex (gunakan file ini jika menggunakan ATmega8)

untuk memasukkan firmware awal maka kita harus menggunakan downloder laen yang dah jadi seperti DT-HiQ AVR ISP nya ato downloader USB nya .dll…

ingat… set jumper J2 saat mengisikan firmware


begitu Firmware dah dimasukin ke micro, berarti USBdownloader kita dah siap pake… tinggal colokin ke PC..

saa dicolokin maka windows akad detect nih sebagai “new hardware” n butuh driver.

Nah drivernya ada di "bin/win-driver".

trus windows pasti bilang klo nih hardware “not digitally signed… n bla bla bla…….” pilih continue anyway.


Yooww sekarang kita bisa memasukkan program ke Atmel AVR microcontroller menggunakan USBdownloader kita.

Untuk memasukkan nya kita memakai software AVRdude.


klik build.bat ato mega8.bat

pokoknya file “.bat” di dalam folder “.. bin/firmware“ (folder tempat “avrdude.exe”)

lalu akan muncul commandprompt (jendela layar hitam)


avrdude -c usbasp -p atmega8535 -U flash:w:main.hex

untuk memasukkan program main.hex ke mikro ATmega8535


  • FIRMWARE adalah program yg ada pada microcontroller sebuah sistem. Suatu sistem berbasis microcontroller tentu gak akan jalan jika micro nya gk di program.. nah program di dalam mikro ini namannya firmware

Jumper2 pada USBdownloader ini adalah:

  • J1 (supply power target). Target bisa menggunakan supply +5V dari PC dengan men-set jumper ini. HATI-HATI saat menggunakan jumper ini karena jika target board short circuit resiko nya PC/laptop kita.
  • J2 (update firmware). Set saat mengisi awal atau mengganti program /firmware yg ada pada micro di USBdownloader ini. Penggantian firmware dengan bantuan Downloader yg laen
  • J3 (SCK option). Jika clock target di bawah 1,5MHZ maka jumper ini harus di set. sehingga SCK akan diturunkan dari 375KHz menjadi 8KHz

Download Firmware , Schematic dan Driver project ini di:

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Foreign Server:

Mohon kritik dan sarannya ^_^ n post comment di blog ini. Trims…

any question??? send email to

Thursday, August 13, 2009

AVR Rotating Led Display

Cool POV project : AVR Rotating Led Display

If you like Rotating LED Display project, check out Rotating Led Display project by Aki Korhonen. He made POV project using modified 8 cm fan and microcontroller AVR AT mega as main part. To control the led, the project use 74HC595D shift registers. Not only can display the text this Rotating Led display can also demonstrate drawing and playable Pong game. Check the video below,

tag: POV led display, rotating display, LED animation, AVR project (src)

AVR Rotating Led Display

Cool POV project : AVR Rotating Led Display

If you like Rotating LED Display project, check out Rotating Led Display project by Aki Korhonen. He made POV project using modified 8 cm fan and microcontroller AVR AT mega as main part. To control the led, the project use 74HC595D shift registers. Not only can display the text this Rotating Led display can also demonstrate drawing and playable Pong game. Check the video below,

tag: POV led display, rotating display, LED animation, AVR project (src)

Playing with a Logo

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pressure Sensitive Keyboard

Some of my colleagues in the Applied Sciences group in Microsoft Hardware have recently gotten some media exposure for one of their recent projects: the pressure sensitive keyboard

Congrats! It's a very nice prototype, and I look forward to seeing what the students at UIST cook up in the innovation contest.

If you aren't familiar with UIST (User Interface Software and Technology), it is a conference dedicated to new interface research. It is one of my favorite conferences to attend. It's where I demonstrated my past work like Automatic Projector Calibration, Foldable Interactive Displays, where Chris Harrison (recently known for Physically Changing Displays) showed off Scratch Input, Andy Wilson showed early pre-Surface touch tables, Hrvoje Benko showed Spherical Surface, MSR-Cambridge presented Second Light, and where Jeff Han first demonstrated FTIR. ...and that's just a small sample from the last 2-3 years.

So if you are interested in new interface technology (or you are part of the tech media) I would encourage you to attend UIST in October this year. You'll get to see what the latest interface researchers are doing all over the world and get to talk to the people behind the ones you have read about.

Pressure Sensitive Keyboard

Some of my colleagues in the Applied Sciences group in Microsoft Hardware have recently gotten some media exposure for one of their recent projects: the pressure sensitive keyboard

Congrats! It's a very nice prototype, and I look forward to seeing what the students at UIST cook up in the innovation contest.

If you aren't familiar with UIST (User Interface Software and Technology), it is a conference dedicated to new interface research. It is one of my favorite conferences to attend. It's where I demonstrated my past work like Automatic Projector Calibration, Foldable Interactive Displays, where Chris Harrison (recently known for Physically Changing Displays) showed off Scratch Input, Andy Wilson showed early pre-Surface touch tables, Hrvoje Benko showed Spherical Surface, MSR-Cambridge presented Second Light, and where Jeff Han first demonstrated FTIR. ...and that's just a small sample from the last 2-3 years.

So if you are interested in new interface technology (or you are part of the tech media) I would encourage you to attend UIST in October this year. You'll get to see what the latest interface researchers are doing all over the world and get to talk to the people behind the ones you have read about.

New Site in the works

I will be moving everything over to my new site very shortly, and I will include a better tutorial on how to mod you controller with the d-pad as well.  Thanks to the many who have emailed asking for it.  I want to get my first game project out on the Indie Games channel, and then I will move everything over.  So hopefully within the next two weeks.

Flash Cards

Getting back to a project that I started with almost a year ago, a project that was my first attempt with any form of programming outside of Basic in Junior High that is. This is based off something I made using many years ago with a presentation program, I had it simply loop through cards every few seconds with the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, different objects and animals.

I decided to use this as my first program idea for Xna, it is something my son now uses and used in the past. And it was neat to see him very early on in his life identify something that he had seen in the game(ok it was a slide), and try to say the word. The first time we took him to the Zoo it was a neat experience for many reasons.

As it stands this game does not yet include animals or other world objects, I cannot draw well enough, and I am still checking on the rights for using clipart.

The neat thing about what the Xna team has done, is that we can now upgrade our games at any time, and when you load your game it will notify you if there is in an update. You no longer have to go and check to see if an Indie game has been updated.

So here are the latest screenshots, I fully expect to put this game out for peer review next week.

I have added the ability to pause on a certain object, if you want to concentrate on a certain letter for instance. You can play without audio by pressing X to select that set of cards, while pressing A will play audio. There is a mini game in the credits, you can move a rocket around the screen with the left thumbstick.

After each screen is done looping it will exit back out to the main menu, currently it takes 3 seconds between cards.

There is also a trial mode, but it limits each screen to the first three objects.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Electronic Engineering Video Blog

Good Microcontroller Project Ideas

See this site for Project Ideas in Microcontroller

Motors and Microcontrollers
Piezoelectric Sound Meter
Crystal Real Time Clock
Meat Thermometer with Predictive Filter
Marquee LED Array Display
USB Servo-Guided Water Squirter
Valentine's Day LED Heart
iPhone-Controlled R/C Car
Electroluminescent LCD Backlight Circuit
Digital Arithmetic with DIP Switches
Morse Code Decoder

Sunday, August 2, 2009

PIC Cactus LED Display

LED Cactus Display PIC Project

LEDactus is LED display project that resemble Cactus. It used PIC microcontroller 18F1320 as controller of the LED. LEDactus is immobile and attempts to survive by creating a pleasant display. It can produce more complex and mesmerizing displays. And in the latest generations, a sense of touch is added to allow the LEDactus to interact with passersby.

term : LED display, electronic cactus, PIC project (src)

PIC Cactus LED Display

LED Cactus Display PIC Project

LEDactus is LED display project that resemble Cactus. It used PIC microcontroller 18F1320 as controller of the LED. LEDactus is immobile and attempts to survive by creating a pleasant display. It can produce more complex and mesmerizing displays. And in the latest generations, a sense of touch is added to allow the LEDactus to interact with passersby.

term : LED display, electronic cactus, PIC project (src)