Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HVAC Fundamentals

at some point you need basic information about heating and cooling system this a basic book pdf with 2.5MB
the link is

introduction to Digital Systems

it is pdf with 10MB

EPE 3-2008

Proudly present next month issue of EPE
it is pdf with 12MB
the link is

Pc Based Instrumentation And Control

Good Pdf with 13MB
the link for download is


it is pdf with 7MB
the link for download is:

Nuts And Volts 3-2008

it is pdf with 24MB
the link for download is

Servo 3-2008

it is pdf with 18MB
the link to download is

Understanding Automotive Electronics

it is pdf with 18MB
the link to download is

Motor & Drives a practical technology guide

its rar with about 20MB
the link to download is:

Parallel Port Complete

its rar about 2MB

Serial Port Complete 2nd edition


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rhonda - 3D drawing

It's always good to give people reminders of what is possible when you don't stick with just a mouse and keyboard. This is a very nice piece of interface work for 3D drawing. The system is called Rhonda. The drawing is a bit on the abstract art side, but it's easy to see the level of control he has.

The great thing about 3d drawing is that the current tools are awful, so new ways of doing it are always interesting. Unfortunately, the bad thing about 3d drawing is that there are a relatively small number of people on the planet that really want to do it. So, it's unlikely these interfaces become widespread outside the domain.

Rhonda - 3D drawing

It's always good to give people reminders of what is possible when you don't stick with just a mouse and keyboard. This is a very nice piece of interface work for 3D drawing. The system is called Rhonda. The drawing is a bit on the abstract art side, but it's easy to see the level of control he has.

The great thing about 3d drawing is that the current tools are awful, so new ways of doing it are always interesting. Unfortunately, the bad thing about 3d drawing is that there are a relatively small number of people on the planet that really want to do it. So, it's unlikely these interfaces become widespread outside the domain.

Monday, July 13, 2009

One Motor Walker Robot Without uC

Walker Robot Without uC
Robot is interesting electronic project. We often see that robot project need a microcontroller as main processor. But if you don't have any programming skill yet, don't worry, you can build one motor walker robot by Jerome Demers. Yes the it's a walker robot without a microcontroller. The robot is base on the principal of B.E.A.M robotics! Building simple and elegant robot inspired by insect.

See the robot in action

via circuitlake

One Motor Walker Robot Without uC

Walker Robot Without uC
Robot is interesting electronic project. We often see that robot project need a microcontroller as main processor. But if you don't have any programming skill yet, don't worry, you can build one motor walker robot by Jerome Demers. Yes the it's a walker robot without a microcontroller. The robot is base on the principal of B.E.A.M robotics! Building simple and elegant robot inspired by insect.

See the robot in action

via circuitlake

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Biologists: Vectorize Thyselves

I'm currently investigating strains recorded from equine hooves. In this case, I wasn't directly involved with the experiment, but I'm helping out with the analysis. The analysis itself fits a common pattern: lots of trials of a similar type that all need to be processed in the same way.

Biologists often tackle this kind of work using spreadsheet programs. The advantages of a spreadsheet include the fact that your analysis is quite accessible, and it's computed in real-time. The main disadvantage (in this case, but also in many others I've seen) is that there is a lot of book-keeping required to synchronize the analysis that is performed on each dataset. The book-keeping introduces plenty of opportunity for error.

My solution to this problem is to take a "vectorized" approach. A good solution is a single program that can process each dataset in turn, and perform the analysis automatically. Thus, the amount of work required for the analysis is de-coupled from the sample size of the experiment. There is no book-keeping work to keep the analysis from each spreadsheet in-sync. It sounds simple enough, but few biologists either understand or implement this idea. The main (only?) drawback of this approach is its somewhat greater complexity; you need a real program to perform the analysis, rather than using a spreadsheet. That's really not much of a drawback though, once your experiment is sufficiently large.

Thanks to this work, I've also had the pleasure of using the excellent Python plotting library matplotlib. Once you get used to the basics, this library makes plotting using a spreadsheet feel like a terrible kludge.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Early shots of new game

Here is an early screenshot of a game I am working on for the Zune and 360, all graphics are still placeholders. I am using the platformer engine from MS, and building on that.

When you collect the letter, it says the letter aloud. I was working on other versions with different engines, but decided on the stock MS engine so I could customize it to my needs and better understand how things work.

Here is an updated shot, playing around with the graphics.

I will try and post some videos soon as I progress along (having problems with the capture software and Windows 7). This game is geared for 2 and up, will not contain any violence, etc. It will have enemies, but when you jump on the enemy like in a traditional platformer, it will announce the name of the animal for example.

Still tons of work, and many thanks so far to Robert Stokes for the voice acting.